Joanne Ardolf Decker Scholarship

Applicants must:

  • Be admitted to the Recreation and Parks and Leadership Studies (RPLS) major in any of the emphasis areas with at least 12 RPLS credits completed
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher in RPLS courses
  • Have at least one of the following: significant, relevant community service, RPLS professional experience, service to the RPLS department or service to the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association
  • Plan to be an enrolled RPLS student in the upcoming academic year

Keywords: RPLS; TR; Recreation; Parks; Leisure; Services

Joanne Adorf Decker
College of Allied Health and Nursing, College of Allied Health and Nursing: Recreation and Parks Leadership Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your interests, involvement and accomplishments in the field of parks and recreation. (Job, school or volunteer experiences are acceptable)
  2. Upload your unofficial transcript
  3. Upload your resume